Monday, March 24, 2008

The Girl in the Flammable Skirt

Isn't that a great title for a book? It's the title of Aimee Bender's first. She's here in town to do a reading and workshop at the house.

And check out the cover of her newest:

This is a fiction writer with a poet's sensibility. Here are some snippets from interviews.

from powell's:

It feels like a texture to me. The texture would go a little wrong if the character was named, if the story wants to be more mythic. As soon as someone is named, the story enters the world of reality a little more. As soon as a capital letter comes into play, it looks different and it feels different.

and from Beatrice:


To learn more about the reading click

To visit Aimee Bender's website (it's really cool) click here

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